“Leadership. Power. Influence” 

Evelyn Dilsaver

Independent Board Director, multiple companies
FWN100™ U. S. 2011

Issues explored in this chapter include: What is a leader? Is one born a leader or can you learn to be a leader? Is a leader the one who has power because of their position, or because of their ability to influence others? My own understanding of leadership is close to what John Quincy Adams observed, “If your actions inspire other to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. ” There are many definitions, with some believing a leader has to have charisma, a huge personality that fills the room. Others believe a leader is one who serves their people. My definition of leadership is best captured by Mark Mactas (2009), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of global professional services firm Towers Perrin, who wrote that “Management is power by position. Leadership is power by influence. ” In other words, a leader is effective in that they gather groups of people together to achieve a common goal, with a sense of urgency, fun, and excitement. Leaders build sustainable enterprises, that do not depend on just the individual for survival. This chapter is about my path to leadership and the lessons I learned along the way.